Helping you optimize your quality of life

Our philosophy is to educate and empower individuals – based on sound scientific principles and evidence-based research – to maintain a healthy lifestyle and help ensure a better quality of life for as long as we can.

Ron is an engineering graduate of Harvey Mudd College and Stanford University, and has spent over 25 years in technology and business management in the SF Bay Area. He was never particularly athletic growing up, but always thought he was doing an adequate job staying fit and healthy while navigating a fast-paced Silicon Valley career. However, several years ago he found himself trying to overcome borderline diabetes as well as multiple sports and age-related injuries. He succeeded in rising above these challenges, and the experience has spurred his interest in Personal Fitness Training and Nutrition, and in helping others overcome similar obstacles. Ron is an NASM Certified Personal Trainer, Corrective Exercise Specialist and Fitness Nutritionist, a Certified SURFSET Trainer, a Qualified TRX Instructor, and enjoys swimming, playing tennis, and practicing yoga.

Ron Ong

Personal Fitness Trainer, CPT, CES, FNS

Franklin Newton

Creative Director

Nicholas Carlson

Brand Expert

Mike has over 14 years of clinical experience, and 15 years of management experience.  He has a Bachelor’s in Clinical Psychology and a Master’s degree in Social Work and received his license in 2010.  Mike has also supervised Differential Response Family Partners for the last 12 years.  Mike is trained in Trauma Focused CBT and motivational interviewing, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, and Triple P Level 3, and the NCFAS assessment and CBCAP.  Mike also is certified in Family Wellness and has a private practice as a Life Coach. He  also has 8 years of experience working within the Department of Children and Families System of Care.  Mike has also attended the DR Monthly Leadership Collaborative meetings for the last 12 years and serves on the Children of Color Committee for Santa Clara County.


Mike Danner

Life Coach, MSW, LCSW

Franklin Newton

Creative Director

Nicholas Carlson

Brand Expert

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